Archives for bitcoin - Page 3
Bitcoin wallet basics
This short post contains common misconceptions around what is in a wallet, how does a wallet differ from an address and what exactly goes into creating an address. This is…
Startup Monetization and Fund Raising in the Bitcoin Era
Also read Blockchainable Industries, to get an overview of the industries being disrupted by Blockchain. Say you are on the verge of launching your next killer app. A couple of immediate…
The Coming Recession and Bitcoin – 2019
Flight to quality stocks and non-stock assets (real estate, gold…) are typical during an upcoming recession. We see that now, with folks like Warren Buffet effectively ‘in cash’ – sitting…
Bitcoin Conference and Bitcoin Video Presentations
Anuj Varma is a regular speaker on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Blockchain technologies. He also conducts youth camps to generate math, science and computer science interest amongst kids. Chain…