Archives for Cloud Computing
Cloud Encryption as a service providers
Also read Cloud KMS - Encryption as a service Encryption-as-a-Service Providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Key Management Service (KMS): Provides encryption services with integrated key management for AWS services and…
Installing certbot on an EC2 using AWS Systems Manager
Registering the certbot client and requesting a certificate - sudo yum -y install yum-utils - sudo yum -y install - sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-extras rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional - sudo yum -y install certbot - sudo certbot register --server {{ CertServerUrl }} -m {{ contactEmail }} --no-eff-email - sudo certbot certonly --server {{ CertServerUrl }} --cert-name {{ certName }} -d {{ certDomains }} --webroot-path {{ webrootPath }} > / The terraform file () # input variables variable "instance_ids" { type = list default = } variable "cert_common_name" { type = string default = "avTestCert" }…
UAT and PRODUCTION data – mirrors?
Should UAT data be a copy of production? This isn't a hard NO - but a maybe. Things to consider: How is the The last production database backup restored over…
Agentless versus Agent Based Tools
How exactly do agentless tools work? They either call APIs - cloud tools such as CSPM tools, billing tools - all call cloud APIs Or They actually login using SSH…
Using git desktop with VS Code
Git Desktop with Visual Studio Code Step 1. In git desktop, open the url to the git repo. You will need to provide a local folder for git to work.…
GCP security audit – some considerations
Security Audits are a top requirement for any public cloud migration - pre-migration and post migration effort. Anuj Varma offers an in-depth cloud security audit, covering all the pillars of…
Private Subnets and VPN Tunnels in AWS
VPN Tunnel The idea is for all your private subnets to route via the VPN Tunnel. Create a custom route table shown below for the first private subnet. This is…
AWS Lake Formation FAQ (built on AWS Glue)
Where is the schema stored? Crawlers will dump data into S3 - WITH the schema structure. How is the DATA ingested? Prebuilt ingest jobs are available. In addition, customized ingest…
Inbound and Outbound on Firewall Rules – Forward and Reverse Proxies
Inbound only refers to the INITIATOR of the connection. As does OUTBOUND. So - when we say we are opening up port 443 outbound - we are essentially saying that…
Cloud Health for Kubernetes Clusters and VMs
Tying an Azure Subscription (or AWS account) to Cloud health portal You have two options (for Azure). Either use an EA (get an Enrollment ID from your EA) and use…