Archives for Cloud Computing - Page 5
Terraform Basics and Helpful Commands
Overview These are just some quick recap notes and troubleshooting steps. There's much more to terraform, but this is a quick basics overview, getting started guide and a short troubleshooting…
Certbot with Apache
certbot and apache Prelim Concepts A .pfx file is a PKCS#12 archive. Typically, a PKCS#12 archive contains a certificate (possibly with its assorted set of CA certificates) and the corresponding private key. A .cert (or .cer or .crt)…
Apache on EC2
This is a short post summarizing some issues I encountered while installing apache on an EC2 - running amazon linux 2. (Also read Configuring Apache and Certbot. Also read -…
RDS Monitoring, RDS Snapshots and Failover – A Deeper Dive into AWS RDS
There's a lot more to AWS RDS than simply spinning up a multi-AZ RDS instance and connecting to it. DB (Manual) Snapshots versus Automated Snapshots You have the option to…
Send an email from your App Engine Instance
Use your gSuite email to do this. Here is simple python code that you can use on your app engine instance # Function to send email def trigger_email(msg): # Change these to your email details email_user = email_password = "blahbhal" smtp_server = ''…
Troubleshooting RDS AWS Connectivity
This is a quick post to help diagnose RDS AWS Connectivity Issues - Also read (Getting Data into AWS' RDS and also the official AWS RDS Oracle Full doc)…
Azure Management Groups are tied to Governance
Also read this post on the core elements of Governance on any public cloud Why do we need Azure Management Groups? Most people think of management groups as a convenient…
Azure Security Architect – Understanding Identity
As an Azure Security Architect, getting a firm grasp of Identity Management in Azure is key. Not only is IAM in Azure very different from that on AWS and GCP,…
AWS Security Architect Level Audits on AWS Accounts
As an AWS Security Architect, one of your first tasks would be to go into your customer's account (or multiple AWS accounts) and look around for security specific events created…
Projects in GCP – 3 tier applications on Google Cloud
Also visit for in-depth GCP posts. Also Read - A Reusable Hub Spoke Network Design on GCP and Service Projects - VPCs or not As a Google Cloud Architect, your…