Archives for Finance and Investing - Page 2
The right way to buy shares? Write a Put
(Also see - the right way to sell your shares - write a covered call) Say you are bullish on a stock - but it's far too high for your…
The right way to sell your stock? Write a covered call
(Also see - the right way to buy shares at your target price, writing a put) Say you are bullish on a stock - and have a target price at…
Multiple offers on a house
These are not tips you will get from most articles out there (Also read Managing Your Own Rental Property). At least, for me, the learning process was learning these the…
3 ways that the government can stimulate the economy
Cutting borrowing interest rates - this makes it easier for businesses to get loans Cutting corporate taxes - this makes it easier for corporations to spend and invest in their…
Advantages of Options over Stocks
A friend of mine recently asked me the following question – What exactly are options – and why would anyone trade options as opposed to ; I will try and…
When does it make sense to buy Options?
There are only two reasons that I consider looking at options: Income Generation Purchasing stocks (that I already want) at a lower price than the current market price Basically, either…