Archives for IIS
multiple sites, single IP
In brief, if you want to host multiple sites (on IIS) – and all you have is a single IP , you have to use host-headers (in IIS). These host…
Multiple Applications Single IIS Server
First, do not confuse an IIS Website (or simply a 'site') with an application. Within a single site, one can host multiple applications. Each application typically gets its own folder… 4.0 and 4.5.1 on IIS6 ( Windows Server 2003)
Two points to note: .NET runtime applications ARE supported on IIS (Windows Server 2003) . .NET appears as an extension in IIS ; You do need to ENABLE this extension.…
Load balancing in IIS
Earlier versions of IIS ( and earlier) worked with Windows Load Balancer (WLB). For later versions, Microsoft offers an IIS extension called ARR (Application Request Router). With Azure hosted sites,…
IIS–websites versus app pools
A lot of people tend to use these interchangeably. From IIS’s perspective, a website is nothing more than a physical folder (and possibly virtual directories as well). That is -…
IIS app pool using 4.5 framework
Is your web app (deployed on IIS) using framework ? How do you tell?Just looking at the framework column (for the specific app pool) in IIS will show you (since…
Missing 4.5 IIS Application Pool, Upgrading to 4.5
Introduction If you have just upgraded to .NET for web app, you may be wondering how to ensure that your application actually is running on and not on the older…
Currently executing HTTP requests in IIS
Introduction At a command prompt, use the following command to get a list of currently queued requests:> %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list requests /elapsed:1000 should produce an output like this: // hanging!…
Recycling Application Pools in IIS (why it is NOT a best practice)
Introduction Microsoft said – ‘Please recycle every 29 hours’ – and without giving it another thought, we all blindly did ; I never gave this ‘default IIS behavior’ any thought…