Archives for Language features, Development Methodologies - Page 7
DevOps (Agile) versus QA (Waterfall, SDLC)
When working within the TOGAF framework, it is important to propose the right architecture for the right development ; For example, for an Agile methodology, there would be a heavy…
Calling wordpress shortcodes from within PHP code
I was looking for a way to display my linked in profile in the sidebar. template needed to be edited – but I wasn’t sure how to call the shortcode…
List Items–Vertical Spacing
The margin-bottom attr accomplishes this. margin-bottom: 8px; Since you don’t need the spacing on the last list item,li:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 5px; }
PHP–JSON object to array
The trick was to pass in ‘true’ to the This returns an associative array instead of an object.$json_string = ''; $jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string); $obj = json_decode($jsondata,true); echo ‘<pre>’; print_r($obj);
Gmail send mail as – Functionality not enabled message
While I could RECEIVE email on multiple accounts using gmail’s business email (about $5/mo as of current date), I was unable to send email using different accounts (I was only…
Hub Spoke diagram in Visio
On the File menu, point to New, point to Business, and then click Marketing Charts and Diagrams. From Marketing Diagrams, drag a Circle-spoke diagram shape onto the drawing page. Choose…
High level architecture versus High level design
Architecture and design are closely related. Architecture is more abstract and is geared towards strategy, structure and purpose. High Level Design is more hands-on and geared towards implementation and practice.
How the Internet Works
Company A = large communications provider. Has a PoP (Point of Presence) in each major city. Company B = large corporate with multiple buildings - lays out it's own fiberoptic…
Static classes versus regular classes
What is a static class? How is it different from an object? A class in which everything (all fields and methods) is static is equivalent to an object. It has…
SQL Visual Query Construction tools
In order of preference (my preference , based on product maturity, knowledge base, user forums etc.): Toad for SQL Server – Pro Edition - $650 /user DB Visualizer Pro –…