Archives for powershell
Cloud Security and Migration Architect, Houston, TX
azure powershell architect Anuj Varma is a certified cloud and application Architect based in Austin, TX and Houston, TX. Some aspects of Cloud Architecture that Anuj has helped customers with…
Firewall Rules using Powershell
I had to test something out where I needed to make sure the right ports were not being blocked by the windows firewall. In this example, I use port 8080.…
Event Logs and Running Containers
To connect to docker and launch a PS prompt inside the containerdocker exec CONTAINERID To fetch the newest 1000 events in the Application Event log (the format is needed…
Stepping through Powershell Code, Modules
I ran into a few issues when modifying my PowerShell modules and not being able to step through the modified code. Here are some simple tips to ensure you can…
Powershell to Create AD Trust
Launch Powershell cmd prompt from the programs menu. Inside the cmd prompt , type Get-ADTrust if it fails - do this first : import-module activedirectory Once you have the module,…
Helpful Powershell Commands
More samples at Call a local exe -- use the call operator & Set-Location $composefolder & 'C:\Program Files\docker\' "up" Call another PS script Invoke-Expression ".\" Show all env vars Get-ChildItem…