Networking Essentials Archives - Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist Production Grade Technical Solutions | Data Encryption and Public Cloud Expert Thu, 05 Aug 2021 13:58:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Networking Essentials Archives - Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist 32 32 NGINX as a reverse proxy (for apache or any web server) Thu, 05 Aug 2021 03:56:18 +0000 Reverse Proxies sit in front a web server (or server farm) to better distribute the load to the server (a load  balancer in a sense. In fact, all load balancers […]

The post NGINX as a reverse proxy (for apache or any web server) appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

Reverse Proxies sit in front a web server (or server farm) to better distribute the load to the server (a load  balancer in a sense. In fact, all load balancers are reverse proxies, by definition).

In addition, reverse proxies hide the actual web server IPs by exposing their own IP – same as a single IP Load balancer (e.g. F5 load balancers). Read this for all possible uses of reverse proxies

NGINX can be configured as a reverse proxy for apache and other web servers.

Also read Fiddler vs Wireshark 



The post NGINX as a reverse proxy (for apache or any web server) appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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HTTP Proxies – Fiddler versus Wireshark Sun, 18 Jul 2021 02:50:43 +0000 Why Proxy your HTTP requests? Proxying requests providers more control. The three most common proxies: HTTP proxy (so you can close port 80 and 443) Internal DNS servers (proxy requests […]

The post HTTP Proxies – Fiddler versus Wireshark appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

Why Proxy your HTTP requests?

Proxying requests providers more control.

The three most common proxies:

    • HTTP proxy (so you can close port 80 and 443)
    • Internal DNS servers (proxy requests to the outside world)
    • Internal Mail server (relays incoming and outgoing mail to the world)

Wireshark vs Fiddler

    • Fiddler is http only proxy –  Wireshark works for all TCP ports
    • What ports need to ALWAYS Open OUTBOUND? There are no ports that need to be opened for full access in your outbound firewall rules.


This is a quick recap of the benefits of using an http proxy (e.g. Fiddler and Wireshark)

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Quick ping and telnet tests Fri, 06 Mar 2020 20:52:50 +0000 PING (does not equal internet connectivity) ping (cloudflare’s dns) –> Should return something like Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=55 ping (google’s dns) Telnet (over port 80 = […]

The post Quick ping and telnet tests appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

PING (does not equal internet connectivity)

ping (cloudflare’s dns) –> Should return something like

Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=55

ping (google’s dns)

Telnet (over port 80 = equals internet connectivity) or CURL over http

telnet 80  -->> Should return 'Connected'
curl --> Should return the html content

telnet 80 –> Should return ‘connected’

Additionally, type

GET / HTTP/1.1HOST: --> Should return the html content shown below

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Server: DynDNS-CheckIP/1.0
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 106

<html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address: X.X.X.X</body></html>

Port 443 Test

wget –no-check-certificate https://

curl -c https://  (-c to ignore expired ssl certificate warnings)

Install Ping (uses ICMP) and Traceroute (uses UDP or ICMP) on Ubuntu

sudo apt install iputils-ping

which ping
$ ping -c 1

sudo apt-get install traceroute

$ traceroute
$ traceroute -I ICMP

The post Quick ping and telnet tests appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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What each octet means – subdividing a network into multiple subnets Thu, 16 Jan 2020 20:26:22 +0000 The Network Part vs. the Host Part 192.168.0 –> Network Part .0  –> Host Part A subnet mask of means that the first three octets of the address will […]

The post What each octet means – subdividing a network into multiple subnets appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

The Network Part vs. the Host Part
  • 192.168.0 –> Network Part
  • .0  –> Host Part

A subnet mask of means that the first three octets of the address will be used for the network, and thus our network number is 192.168.1.
This means we can have 254 computers on this network, because the fourth octet is not being used by the network portion of the address

Reserved address ranges for private (non-routed) addresses -> -> ->

Dividing the network into multiple subnetworks

There are two methods for dividing your network into multiple sub networks; One is to simply change your network numbers keeping the same subnet mask. The other is to subnet your network into smaller sub networks.

Option 1 – Keeping the same mask:

Your network could be divided into two or more networks by changing the network portion of the address such as 10.0.1 and 10.0.2 and keeping the same subnet mask.


Doing this would give you two separate networks with 254 hosts per network. This is a very common method of dealing with multiple networks. However, back in the good old days you had to pay for every IP address you used, and if you had 25 computers on your network you probably would not want to pay for 254 addresses! The answer to the problem is…subnetting.

Option 2 – Subnetting a network

Subnetting is when you use bits from the host portion of your address as part of your network number. This let’s you subdivide your network at the cost of host addresses, which is great if you’re paying for every host IP address. It will save you money because you pay for fewer TCP/IP addresses. Confused? Here is where understanding binary is important.

Lets look at a new subnet mask:

As you can see in the fourth octet, some of the host portion of this subnet mask is now being used for part of the network address. Which means we are now using some of the binary bits in the fourth octet for our network numbers, and that gives us fewer hosts than our old mask (which gave us 254), but gives us more networks (which is why we call it subnetting).


The post What each octet means – subdividing a network into multiple subnets appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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What is a Certificate Singing Request – CSR ? Wed, 15 Jan 2020 19:00:04 +0000 A CSR is quite literally a request to have a certificate created and digitally signed by a CA. There are three important parts to a CSR: Your public key. The […]

The post What is a Certificate Singing Request – CSR ? appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

A CSR is quite literally a request to have a certificate created and digitally signed by a CA.

There are three important parts to a CSR:

  1. Your public key.
  2. The fully-qualified domain name(s) you want your certificate to be used with.
  3. Other information about you and your organization/website (including the legally registered name and the city/state/country where its registered).

The post What is a Certificate Singing Request – CSR ? appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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DNS servers for your VPN connection Tue, 14 Jan 2020 21:09:45 +0000 Most VPN services that you can pay for will be configured to redirect all of your IP traffic through the VPN tunnel. (In openvpn, the server option is “redirect-gateway”.) This will include […]

The post DNS servers for your VPN connection appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

  • Most VPN services that you can pay for will be configured to redirect all of your IP traffic through the VPN tunnel. (In openvpn, the server option is “redirect-gateway”.) This will include DNS traffic.
  • You may or may not be assigned a dns server through a vpn based on
    • a) which vpn implementation you are using
    • b) which OS you are using.

    TESTING your VPN Connection

    Test by opening up a cli and typing in “nslookup localhost” and looking at the top entry (Windows). Do this BEFORE and AFTER you connect to the VPN Server to see if the dns servers changed.

    The post DNS servers for your VPN connection appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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    Restoring Deleted AD Sites, Zones and Objects Mon, 30 Sep 2019 17:05:06 +0000 Restoring an entire Deleted Site Running the Powershell commands, you may see some errors (‘could not add object, as it is in use..’) . Just Ignore these (Quick) Restoring a […]

    The post Restoring Deleted AD Sites, Zones and Objects appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

    Restoring an entire Deleted Site

    Running the Powershell commands, you may see some errors (‘could not add object, as it is in use..’) . Just Ignore these

    (Quick) Restoring a Deleted AD Zone

    Get-ADObject -Filter {displayName -eq “”} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Restore-ADObject

    Restore a Deleted AD Object

    Restoring an entire Deleted Site

    Restoring a Deleted AD Zone

    Get-ADObject -Filter {displayName -eq “”} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Restore-ADObject

    Audit Trail on Domain Controller – DNS Events Audit

    Event viewer>Applications and Services logs>Microsoft>windows>DNS-Server>Audit

    If you do not see a DNS-server component, enable DNS record auditing manually.

    Right-click DNS Server, point to View, and then click “Show Analytic and Debug Logs“. Right-click Analytical and then click on Properties. Confirm the “Enable logging” check box is selected.

    The post Restoring Deleted AD Sites, Zones and Objects appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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    Testing whether a client is part of an AD Mon, 30 Sep 2019 14:32:43 +0000 Say your AD Site is ‘AVARMA’ – and you are trying to figure out if the following IP address is assigned to that site Doing this on the local client […]

    The post Testing whether a client is part of an AD appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

    Say your AD Site is ‘AVARMA’ – and you are trying to figure out if the following IP address is assigned to that site

    Doing this on the local client

    gpresult /r” or “NLTEST /dsgetsite

    Doing this on any AD computer

    Test whether it is part of the domain  –

    1. nltest /DSADDRESSTOSITE:   (Hit Enter)
    2. nltest /DSADDRESSTOSITE:

    Retrieve the site-subnet mapping for ‘’ from ‘\\DC01.DOMAIN.COM’. AVARMA

    This will tell you whether it is assigned to the AD site AVARMA – and the appropriate subnet mapping

    Audit Trail on Domain Controller – DNS Events Audit

    Event viewer>Applications and Services logs>Microsoft>windows>DNS-Server>Audit

    If you do not see a DNS-server component, enable DNS record auditing manually.

    Right-click DNS Server, point to View, and then click “Show Analytic and Debug Logs“. Right-click Analytical and then click on Properties. Confirm the “Enable logging” check box is selected.

    Restoring an entire Deleted Site

    Restoring a Deleted AD Zone

    Get-ADObject -Filter {displayName -eq “”} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Restore-ADObject

    Restore a Deleted AD Object

    The post Testing whether a client is part of an AD appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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    Active Directory Domain Basics Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:50:29 +0000 Active Directory domains are grouped in a tree structure; a group of Active Directory trees is known as a forest, which is the highest level of organization within Active Directory. […]

    The post Active Directory Domain Basics appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

    Active Directory domains are grouped in a tree structure; a group of Active Directory trees is known as a forest, which is the highest level of organization within Active Directory.

    Active Directory domains can be identified using a DNS name, which can be the same as an organization’s public domain name, a sub-domain or an alternate version (which may end in .local).  While Group Policy can be applied to an entire domain, it is typical to apply policies to sub-groups of objects known as organizational units (OUs). All object attributes, such as usernames, must be unique within a single domain and, by extension, an OU.

    The post Active Directory Domain Basics appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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    Kubeadm – Bootstrap a kubernetes cluster Tue, 16 Jul 2019 02:06:11 +0000 Building a cluster through various steps – kubeadm is the preferred way to start up a cluster.  In the following order, kubeadm Kubeadm init Pre Flight Checks – Pull container […]

    The post Kubeadm – Bootstrap a kubernetes cluster appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

    Building a cluster through various steps – kubeadm is the preferred way to start up a cluster.  In the following order, kubeadm

    1. Kubeadm init
    2. Pre Flight Checks – Pull container images  and check for available host resources
    3. Creates a Certificate Authority
    4. Generates Kubeconfig Files
    5. Generate Static Pod Manifests – for Control Plane Pods
    6. Starts up the Control Plane
    7. Taints the Master (System Pods on master node)
    8. Generates a Bootstrap Token
    9. Starts Add On Pods:  DNS and Kube Proxy



    The post Kubeadm – Bootstrap a kubernetes cluster appeared first on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.

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