Archives for Software Dev - Page 12
How do you validate input variables in terraform?
How do you validate input variables in terraform? This is an experimental feature, which means you have to specify the following inside your (or wherever your variables are defined): terraform…
Rolling your own CA
How many intermediaries do you need? Best to set the path_len to 0 so that there is only one intermediary authority. As a CA, you will need to sign server…
Quantum Theory may provide a better solution to bitcoin’s double spend problem
What is the current solution to the double spend problem? The current solution to the double spend problem, takes up 1% of the world's entire energy. The mining is so…
The need for Quantum Field Theory – Causality Violation
Also read 'Combining Relativity and Quantum Mechanics - First Step' Use \braket{0|0}: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{braket} \begin{document} $\braket{0|0}$ \end{document}
Bitcoin Wallet API Programming
The bitcoin wallet is your entry door into the bitcoin network. This post discusses different ways you can write your own program to interact with the live bitcoin blockchain (known…
Bitcoin wallet basics
This short post contains common misconceptions around what is in a wallet, how does a wallet differ from an address and what exactly goes into creating an address. This is…
Hidden Network in available Wifi Networks
This is not a cause for alarm. All this means is that someone has a network that doesn't broadcast it's SSID. Several folks, companies, neighbors may do exactly that, to…
PKI and a regular https browser session
What is PKI used for? PKI is used for two things - one that you may be familiar with (encryption of data in transit) - and another that you may…
Troubleshooting letsencrypt and certbot
On Linux - once installed, look for certbot using ls -l /bin /usr/bin | grep certbot OR just grep certbot If you get a result, you should see the certbot…
Network and VM isolation in GCP versus AWS
Overview Not all cloud resources require an underlying physical network. For example, an s3 bucket in AWS exists outside the VPC construct (but can be accessed by instances within a…