Archives for Software Dev - Page 16
Firewall Rules using Powershell
I had to test something out where I needed to make sure the right ports were not being blocked by the windows firewall. In this example, I use port 8080.…
Questions to ask for an AD customer and AD Recommendations
How many domains in all, are in play? If there are multiple domains, what is the purpose of each domain? How may Domain Controllers per domain (in general, it is…
Docker Install Uninstall Issues
Installing / Uninstalling DockerIf docker engine (daemon) does not start up — Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -verbose (from an admin PS prompt)To completely remove docker desktop from your Windows 10/…
Inspecting Running Containers (Docker Containers)
These are some of the shortcuts for inspecting running containers. First, of course, get the ID of the running containerdocker container ls -a (show me all the running containers on…
Event Logs and Running Containers
To connect to docker and launch a PS prompt inside the containerdocker exec CONTAINERID To fetch the newest 1000 events in the Application Event log (the format is needed…
Docker Application Logging Using Prometheus
Docker logs by themselves reveal little about your containerized application. To get a true monitoring strategy in place, that includes your application metrics, you need a tool like Prometheus. This…
Amazon linux EC2 install certbot
Amazon Linux EC2 only wget --no-check-certificate chmod a+x ./certbot-auto sudo yum -y install python-pip sudo pip install cryptography sudo pip install certbot Installing on any other (not amazon linux)…
Stepping through Powershell Code, Modules
I ran into a few issues when modifying my PowerShell modules and not being able to step through the modified code. Here are some simple tips to ensure you can…
Powershell to Create AD Trust
Launch Powershell cmd prompt from the programs menu. Inside the cmd prompt , type Get-ADTrust if it fails - do this first : import-module activedirectory Once you have the module,…
ARG vs ENV vs Powershell in Dockerfiles
ARGs in dockerfile are great for passing in build time paramaters (before a container is built)ENVs in dockefile are for passing in run time parameters (once a container is already…