Archives for Software Dev - Page 17
Quick SMTP Server Check
a) From Powershell - Test-NetConnection -port 25 b) telnet (install telnetclient from windows features) and, in a cmd prompt (or PS prompt), telnet 25
Helpful Powershell Commands
More samples at Call a local exe -- use the call operator & Set-Location $composefolder & 'C:\Program Files\docker\' "up" Call another PS script Invoke-Expression ".\" Show all env vars Get-ChildItem…
dockerfile MULTIPLE commands or entrypoints–Powershell and IIS as ENTRYPOINTS in Docker Compose
Typically, dockerfiles require a single entrypoint or single command. In fact, multiple CMD instructions are ignored and only the final CMD is executed. By now, you should know that entrypoint…
Blockchain books and resources
There are plenty of youtube videos of course, but these books will give you a solid grounding of how to ‘think like a blockchainer’ Building blockchain projects - Narayan Prusty.…
Managed Service Accounts, gMSA and Active Directory
One of the more interesting new features of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 is Managed Service Accounts. MSA’s allow you to create an account in Active Directory that…
SSL or TLS – on Firewalls and Load Balancers – layer 5 or layer 6
For layer 7 firewalls, how does SSL / TLS exactly work? Since SSL lives in layer 6 (or 5) – but not 7, how does it even understand layer 7…
Twitter policy against defamation
Day 1 - A twitter handle named @sanden came out and personally attacked my name. They made up the following tweet: Tweet ID 1045547615318880257 @TudorFan2 @VarmaAnuj @TerryK59 @David_Bossie @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump…
git basics
Repos versus Branches – A repo can have as many ; And you can have multiple REPOS (typically one per product). Branching Best Practices Master (Prod Branch) ---> Dev…
Add ics file in web outlook
Save your .ICS event form the email it was sent from to somewhere you can access it Go to O365/OWA ; Select Add Calendar from menu Select option "From File"…