Archives for Software Dev - Page 18
Right Click stopped working–Windows Context Menu Issues
For me, the right click on the AWS WorkFolder Sync App stopped working. Here’s what I did to resolve it…(this should work for other apps, same registry key location) Type…
MariaDB auto update statistics
To check if auto update is enabled on statistics, try this command show variables like '%metadata%'; If you see an output such as: innodb_stats_auto_recalc = 1, you're all If you…
Abstract Factory Pattern vs. Dependency Injection
This is a frequent misunderstanding – Why use Dependency Injection when you can ask a factory for your object and have it returned to you? The answer is that DI…
Technical Architect, San Antonio
Anuj Varma spent 17 years as a .NET architect with experience in the Houston oil and gas industry, prior to becoming a cloud architect. More recently, he has been fortunate…
Technical Architect, Texas
Anuj Varma spent 17 years as a .NET architect with experience in the Houston oil and gas industry, prior to becoming a cloud architect. More recently, he has been fortunate…
Getting ICACLS working in powershell
Here’s a sample - granting rw access to the user group IIS_IUSRS Direct Powershell cmd icacls "$initFolder" "/grant:r" "BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)RX" /t Or - using Invoke-Expression $Grant = “grant:rw” $users = “BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS”…
Blockchain Killer Apps
Although I highlight seven distinct areas where blockchain can deliver a knockout, a couple of these are more than killer apps. They address foundational issues with blockchains and, while there…
APM questions to ask
-- What is the technology stack of the apps being monitored (J2EE, .NET, )? -- Do we need to look at specific Application metrics - such as Transactions per second,…
Quick start to compiling and deploying solidity contracts
Write the contract in Sublime Text Editor. Make sure you have installed the Ethereum packages for Sublime. Copy the contract code into RemixIDE and work through the ; Once compiled,…
geth attach to local geth node issue
The Problem geth attach Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: no known transport for URL scheme "c" Try the following (on Windows, we need to specify the IPC path)…