Archives for Software Dev - Page 20
Running a full node (BookKeeping) versus Mining
Running a Full Node Running a node is just listening for other nodes to pass you data, checking that its valid, and passing it in further. So a peer…
Performance Monitoring Tools
A list of performance monitoring tools. Website Monitoring Tools Insping Updown Pingometer Uptime Robot Pingdom Server Monitoring Tools Insping Nagios Core Ganglia Collectd Network Monitoring Tools Nagios Capsa Free Fiddler…
Ultimate Product Catalogue – WP Plugin–Some SEO issues
So far, the plugin has worked great, and I must say , their support is above and beyond typical wordpress plugin support teams. A couple of minor SEO issues I…
Forgotten Ubuntu Root Password
From GRUB, choose Ubuntu Repair Menu—> Choose root—> passwd ‘username’ (or just plain passwd) Once updated, type reboot Cmd Line Root Prompt OR – type E (for edit) on the…
UPN vs SPN Troubleshooting–Event Logs
Kerberos Authentication (Any AD auth related events) go into the Windows System Event ; This is the first place to start looking for any authentication errors that occur with SPN…
Some helpful Node.js Samples
SetTimeout - When I say go – go " setTimeout() setTimeout() can be used to schedule code execution after a designated amount of milliseconds. var count = 0; var t…
Permalinks redirect from home page
This caused me a lot of grief…every product page was redirecting to the home ; I tried tweaking the .htaccess file and tweaking the format of the permalinks. All to…
Browser Reload without retrieving cached pages
It is a pain to clear out the cache everytime while testing some simple client side change in your web app. CTRL F5 reloads the page afresh, without checking the…
Installing Kali Linux (or any Linux Distro) on Oracle VirtualBox
Download the kali .iso file (or whatever distro you are trying to install on VBox) Oracle VBox - Simply create a new Linux VM with debian 64 bit (When you…