Archives for Software Dev - Page 61
ASP.NET Scalability – 2000 + simultaneous user sessions
Highly Scalable, Internationalized Web Application - Dell Battery Replacement Requiring a quick turnaround (3 months) and a HIGHLY scalable website (in 8 different languages), I helped DELL build a scalable,…
Agile versus “Flat-Footed” development
(Riddle: “What is voiceless, yet cries and toothless, yet ” Read to the end to see the ) Definitions Agile – Software that adapts well to change (is well-designed and…
Why use an Application Framework?
It is certainly possible to build your next application without ever touching an underlying application framework. It is also possible to watch Avatar in 2-D (and leave the theater…
Microsoft – ‘Commercially’ Challenged?
I’m on the edge of glory…Several youtubers choreographing their steps to Lady Gaga’s latest hit, unleashing their inner monster. That’s a commercial that grabs you! ‘If you don’t…
Entrepreneurs and Procrastination
Great blog post on overcoming procrastination - by Kate Stewart
Microsoft’s purchase of Skype and what it may mean for the J2EE versus .NET battle
Why is Microsoft purchasing Skype? The biggest reason cited is that Microsoft needs a competitive offering to Google Voice and Apple’s emerging communication platform, Facetime. In other words, Microsoft got…
Anuj Varma–SQL Server Tuning Services
Anuj Varma is no stranger to SQL Server performance tuning. Schlumberger, Tokyo Electron and Dell are among the larger companies he has helped with SQL Server specific tuning. Several startups…
Learn ASP.NET using C#–3 day course
Day 1 – Intro to C#, Object Oriented Programming and .NET CLR C# Language Fundamentals Learn the role of the Main() method Process user provided command line arguments Define basic…