Archives for Software Dev - Page 9
S3 IA Transition Rule
What is S3 IA? It is the SAME storage type as S3 standard, with a few advantages. S3 IA is about half the price of Standard to store, a penny…
Restricting access to AWS resources for certain users
A Brief Intro and Confusion Around Policies Most of the confusion arises from interchangeably using Service and Resource. For example, S3 is a service, but a bucket is the actual resource.…
Chai Pattis in the U.S.
This is a work in progress. Here in the , it isn't always possible to get your 'local' tea leaf (chai patti). In fact, my local fix is a brand…
AWS AppStream Basics
How do you deploy an app? Go into AppStream's Image Builder --> Build Custom Image (Put Adobe, Wordpad, apps you like). Can I domain join the app stream instances with…
Default gateway not available on Windows
First, check to ensure it isn't occuring on all your PCs (on your WIFI network). Usually, this is a local (single PC) issue. Potential Fix 1 - Update your Wireless…
AWS Snowball Q and A
Do I create an Import Job or an Export Job? To get data into S3, you create an import job. Here are the details needed for an import job (configured…
Root user AWS
Can you delete a root user? No. You can delete the access key for the root user Can you CHANGE a root user? You can change the email associated with…
git – Could not open a connection to your authentication agent” ,ssh-add error even after ssh-agent started
Trying to use Google Cloud Source as a git repo, you may encounter an authentication error (in spite of storing your SSH public key correctly with your IAM user profile)…
SSH on windows permissions for private key too open error
ssh -i MykeysPath myuser@IPAddress SSH on windows gives the following error Permissions for 'path_to_keys' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.…
Quantum Mechanics Spin States
A position state or momentum eigenstate is just a ONE DIMENSIONAL (or 3 d) PROJECTION of the INFINITE state vector in Hilbert Space. No one representation carries any more 'physical…