Archives for Microsoft
The Death of Microsoft is greatly exaggerated…
Not a day goes by without someone predicting the untimely death of Microsoft. Either due to declining Windows Revenues or due to their failed MOBILE venture (misventures). Here is why…
Houston Oil and Gas and .NET Architects
Houston and Microsoft Houston just seems to be a hotbed of Microsoft centric development. Part of the reason is that .NET is one of the most scalable offerings out there…
Microsoft abandoning its brightest idea ( in a long time….)–The upcoming death of Silverlight
Microsoft seems to have come up with one of the greatest technologies of recent times. A technology that would change the way websites looked and performed. Far more powerful than…
Microsoft – ‘Commercially’ Challenged?
I’m on the edge of glory…Several youtubers choreographing their steps to Lady Gaga’s latest hit, unleashing their inner monster. That’s a commercial that grabs you! ‘If you don’t…
Microsoft’s purchase of Skype and what it may mean for the J2EE versus .NET battle
Why is Microsoft purchasing Skype? The biggest reason cited is that Microsoft needs a competitive offering to Google Voice and Apple’s emerging communication platform, Facetime. In other words, Microsoft got…