Finger Pain from Typing, Carpal Tunnel – Homeopathic Remedies
Recent Update Note: Somehing that will instantly reduce inflammation (and pain) has always been the first thing that I looked for. Recently, I discovered one such formulation (in India).
FibroSet – containing acetyl-l-carnitine – addresses persistent tendinitis. Here is a research study also highlighting it’s efficacy in persistent neuromuscular pain conditions – that do not respond to standard treatments.
Overview – Skip to the end?
Skip to the end?
- Take Hypericum 200C and Symphytum 200C 3 times a day each. For 2 weeks at least (longer if the pain doesn’t completely disappear). This combo is great for ALL TYPES of TENDONITIS – Tennis elbow, Finger tendinitis, wrist issues – you name it.
- Apply Ruta Ointment on JOINTS (finger joints especially).
- Apply Arnica Ointment on MUSCLES – forearm muscles that are weakened due to the tendinitis.
- Keep your Vitamin D levels UP – either through diet (fish, other source of Vit. D) or sunshine or supplement
I wrote about overcoming finger pain from typing and other overuse injuries, using a variety of conventional techniques. What I did not do was follow some of my own advice, especially that around potential homeopathic medicines for tendonitis. If you google homeopathy for finger pain, or homeopathic treatment for tendinitis in general, the two most common results will include Rhus Tox and Ruta Graveolens. While these are both viable options, two slightly different medicines did the trick for me. I got the advice from a famous homeopath based in India (Dr. Banerji).

Vitamin D along with Rhus Tox
Take Tons of Chewable Vitamin D along with Rhus Tox 30 – 3 to 4 times a day. Alternate Rhus Tox with Causticum 30 if need be.
5 homeopathic Gems – and Possible Combo Treatments
- Symphytum Officianale (30 C or 200 C)
- Hypericum Perforatum (30 C or 200 C)
- Rhus Tox (usually 30C)
- Ruta Graveleons (usually 200 C)
- Causticum (30C or 200 C)
- Ledum palustre 200C – Surprisingly effective for any type of pain in small joints, including arthritis pain, tendonitis pain or injury of any sort.
Combo Treatments
- Symphytum 200 and Hypericum 200 – 2 weeks – For Finger and Hand Pain
- Rhus Tox 30 and Symphytum 200 – 2 weeks – For Elbow and Forearm and Wrist Pain
Two Miracle Creams
- BestMade Rhus Tox Ointment – apply copiously. There are NO side effects, only good, inflammation lowering effects.
- DMSO Gel – Side effects include itching and burning. Still, great for reducing inflammation and pain.
The banerji protocol –
There’s a father son duo, that has made their name in the field of homeopathy ( google ‘banerji protocol’ to understand their reach). I did have the pleasure of meeting and consulting with the son part of the duo. An extremely knowledgeable and personable individual, who guided me through some of the finger pain, tennis elbow and hand pain issues that I was just not able to completely eliminate.
For Tennis elbow
While these medicines were prescribed for my tennis elbow, they also helped eliminate my finger tendinitis.
- Symphytum 200 and Hypericum Perforatum 200 – Alternate – 2X a day – for a month (continue longer if you are seeing a clear benefit)
- Ruta 6C – 3 times a day – for up to 6 months (this is for long term maintenance)
That’s it. These simple medicines helped me return to full speed typing in a matter of 6 months.
Causticum 30 (3 to 4 times a day) also did magic for my forearm weakness. When Tennis Elbow is associated with WEAKNESS of muscles (as it most often is) with dull, tearing pains, along with a tendency to constantly WANTING TO stretch or bend the joints, Causticum is a great remedy.
The Role of Coffee and Antidoting the entire remedy
I looooove cold coffee – and used to guzzle it after a workout. However, I avoided it for a full 4 months, while I was on my homeopathic protocol. All my finger (and wrist) pain was gone. I was typing at normal, pre injury level speeds.
And then, I took a strong, double espresso strength cold coffee (home made). At first, I did not notice any different. But, at night, I had weird wrist pains. And the next day, I could feel some of my more obstinate pain points returning (thumb, pinkie finger..). That was it – I dumped the whole coffee habit. I also restarted Symphytum 200 and Hypericum 200 for a few additional days (3-4) to just get back to where I was.
Surprisingly, I can consume all the tea (green or black, hot or cold) without any detrimental effects (see the Antidotes section at the end of this post – caffeine is not the culprit, coffee is).
Why does coffee act as an antidote to certain homeopathy medicines? I don’t know – except that the best doctors, will tell you to avoid coffee for the course of your medicines. And as I learnt, it is best to avoid it even after. Fortunately for me, I love black tea as much as coffee and can live without the coffee (if it means pain free typing for life).
For Wrist and Hand Pain, including Trigger Finger
Along with my elbow and fingers, various parts of my wrist and hand also exhibited painful points. These too disappeared along with the elbow and finger pain. My ring finger used to get stuck (trigger finger) with accompanying pain. That straightened out after about 2 months of taking Symphytum 200 and hypericum 200 in conjunction.
Shoulder weakness
My shoulder muscles had become considerably weak (possibly due to excessive computer work). I could feel them return to normal, as I continued with the Symphytum and Hypericum protocol. The Ruta, I still take for long term maintenance.
What about Arthritic Pain?
For sure, you should test yourself for Rh. Arthritis and arthritis in general. Only after you have eliminated that as the cause, should you use these homeopathic medicines – as these are specific to tendonitis related pain.
Causticum 30 (4 times a day for a month or more) works on both ARTHRITIS pain as well as TENNIS ELBOW type of tearing pain.
There’s a lot of skeptics out there. And that’s fine – they can continue to be skeptical; this post isn’t about trying to convince anyone. It’s about those who have persistent, prolonged finger pain from typing that hasn’t shown much improvement. It’s not just the fingers, but the entire upper body, including wrists, elbows and shoulders that are affected.
When I first read about some of these homeopathic medicines, I was a bit confused – as Hypericum is primarily for ‘nerve’ issues and symphytum for bone issues. Tendons (as per a lot of google research) required either Ruta or Rhus Tox. However, as I learnt firsthand from a qualified doctor, there’s a lot of overlap in what Hypericum and Symphytum can treat – and tendons are well within the domain of these medicines.
I still continue with Ruta 6C for long term maintenance. The others are no longer needed. In addition to curing my finger pain, these medicines also seemed to address shoulder and hand / wrist pain points.
Excerpt from this article
Homeopathic remedies work in a vibrational manner on the mind and body. Imagine striking a note on a piano — this is the action of the remedy! Now imagine pushing the damper pedal, or drowning out the note with dissonant chords — this is what happens with antidoting.
Antidoting refers to the blocking, or negation, or reversal of the positive action of a remedy. Over the past several years experience has shown that antidoting is not as common as previously thought, and that many people can be exposed to potential antidotes with no weakening of the healing power of the remedy. However, it is wise to avoid the following substances, especially for the first few weeks of treatment, to be sure that your remedy is given full scope of action.
• Coffee: Regular, decaf, expresso, instant, all types. Interestingly, it is not the caffeine that antidotes, and it is okay to drink caffeinated tea, coke, or eat chocolate. Coffee flavoring in commercial products also is okay (very little real coffee), but Kahlua, Irish coffee may antidote.
• Camphor: Watch out for tiger balm, liniments, Vicks, Ben Gay, some chapsticks, most noxzema products. Cough lozenges often have camphor. Nail polish has camphor; it is okay to use as long as careful not to smear on skin.
Other References
Also read this post on muscolo skeletal issues using homeopathic treatments
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