Silence of the mind..the perfect way to start each day
Start the day with the intention of not feeling the NEED to say anything. This is different from not actually saying anything. This feeling is one of ‘I don’t have anything to prove, anyone to impress…’ why do I need to speak at all.
This silence is a silence of the mind – not just of the tongue. Once you attain this mindset, your mind is unrushed – and it starts attracting a ‘friendlier’ universe (see blog post).
Also, once you attain this mindset, you automatically start doing things ONE AT A TIME. In fact, doing multiple things at once (or thinking of doing another thing while you are doing your current task) is a sign of an unquietened mind. It stems from a need to impress someone, or do something to gratify your own ego. Once you restrain this need , you see no reason to do any other task than the one you are currently doing.
Slow jog , not a sprint
Some of us start each day as if it is a sprint. So much to do – and just a few hours to do it in. This is completely antithetical to the way the UNIVERSE expects you to start each day. In fact, you will discover that all ‘must do’ tasks start disappearing when you get in tune with the universe. Then, the Universe, instead of your own mind, dictates your next task, your next step.
Attaining the ‘one thing at a time’ mindset is a somewhat sequential process. The first step is convincing your mind that there is nothing it needs to say. This quietude of the mind leads to a slight altering of events in your immediate future. Only positive events are attracted towards your quiet self. Once this happens, you automatically lose concern of what your NEXT step or NEXT task may be. You simply continue doing your current task without concern for anything else.
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