Tfs requires SQL Server to be installed – and of late, it more or less mandates SQL Server Reporting Services be installed as well. I learnt this the  hard way by leaving out the SRSS components during SQL Server install – and then suffering the consequences whilst installing TFS Server.

Headaches in installing and configuring SQL Server 2012 (and above) and SQL Server Reporting Services

  1. .net 3.5 – For the Basic Management Tools (SQL Server Management Studio), we still need .net 3.5 redistributable. Typically, you would not have this installed on a windows 7 machine (the world having evolved to .net 4.5.1 by now). However, you CAN go into the Add/Remove Windows Features – and install the 3.5 framework. It is a good idea to do this BEFORE you begin installing SQL Server – it will save you tons of time.
  2. Full Text Search – needs to be installed (this is UNCHECKED by default, so you will need to check it).
  3. TFS needs SRSS – and SRSS needs a bunch of stuff pre-configured. SRSS needs a reporting server database to be created. It will NOT create this during INSTALLATION, so you have to finish installation – and create a NEW ONE from the REPORTING SERVICES CONFIGURATION MANAGER (a separate piece of software that is installed along with SRSS).

Adding appropriate endpoints (opening TFS server port)

If you are installing on a VM (in Azure for example), you will need to open port 8080 (Add endpoint for 8080 in azure)

Accessing the TFS Server Web Interface

  • Localhost:8080/tfs/  –> from local box
  • full domain name :8080/tfs  –> from external box

Adding Projects to TFS – Using the newly installed TFS Server

Adding a new project has to be done from Visual Studio. From Visual Studio, File –> New –> Team Project and provide the URL of the tfs server shown above.

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

Initial Consultation

Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.